Holy Habitation: Living Continually Seated at God’s Feet ~ Day 3

“…the Lord used to speak to Moses face to face, just as a man speaks to his friend…” ~ Exodus 33:7-11.

Moses relationship with God began as a curiosity. God reached out to Moses’ physical senses through a burning bush, unsinged, drawing him in for a look. There God offered Moses the opportunity of a lifetime: the experience of being God’s instrument in the earth to bring freedom to millions. Thus, scripture depicts Moses as a picture of Christ. (Exodus 3; 1 Corinthians 10:2)

At first, Moses was afraid when God spoke through that bush, so God drew him in closer: “take off your sandals.” Reverent obedience seen in removing the shoes draws us intimately close to God as Lord, where the touch of His holiness enlivens our spiritual senses. That instruction for entering the holy presence of God gave Moses the comfort of feeling welcome and wanted, adjusting his fear to that of reverence. His drawing in close to visit in earnest with God about His plans for Moses and Moses qualms that hindered started him on a road to a relationship with God that grew strong.

Day by day from there, drawing him ever closer, God formed a bond with Moses that led to a trusted friendship.

atside1Relationship with God is vital to our seeking after Him in ways that bring His reality to life for us. The people of Israel had an ungodly fear of God that led them to push Him away when He sought to draw them in, so their relationship with God was standoffish (Exodus 20:18-21). That fear brought harm to their ability to come into personal relationship with Father. Fear, disbelief, busyness, anger, lack of trust: there are so many bad emotional states that rob us of relationship with God.

We must shake that off and come into His holy presence.

Moses pushed past his issues to enter into relationship with God. Exodus 33:11 tells us that Joshua, wanting that relationship for himself, stayed in the tent of meeting with God, seeking Him on his own – he was unafraid to draw near and hear, and as such, was chosen successor to Moses. We, too, must lay every encumbrance aside and draw near.

“… Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. …” ~ James 4:7-10.