The Heart of the Matter

In a group I am in, where we are working to help each other know how to recession proof our pantries and live lives where we are not dependent on government allotment and dwindling store supplies, the question posed is how are we to be self-sufficient in Christ’s sufficiency without inadvertently walking out from under reliance on God and His Lordship. Christine Hoover’s thoughts help address this concern in a devotional series titled “With All Your Heart”:

“Remember that you can’t understand your heart. 

“Remember that you can’t reach into your heart and change it. You can certainly alter behaviors and choose a different course of action, but the true work of sanctification happens only as you RESPOND TO THE LEADERSHIP OF THE HOLY SPIRIT. 

“Remember that this is good news, because you have a King who can and, more importantly, willingly does. You are not expected to rule and regulate yourself. WAIT ON HIM.”

In our practice of the wisdom of the ants, storing up in the season of plenty for the season of need, seek God and follow His instruction. We don’t do self-care apart from Him. We walk with Him to do what pleases Him in ways that acknowledge our need of Him and that works under His Lordship. It is a heart issue.

I plant a garden at His inspiration of the wisdom in it, trusting Him for its produce and for strength and ability to know how to store the plenty for the day of need. He is faithful to supply sufficient for me and mine and the wisdom to share with others responsibly. We put trust in God to bless the hunting, fishing, and foraging.

In all things, our faith is in Him who makes effort productive as we look to, follow, and trust Him.

With All Your Heart: Day 7 • Devotional

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